“I want to capture the fleeting in between moments so you can treasure them for Forever”


hey, Dakota here! I’m so glad you found me!

Raised on whole milk and hard work in California’s modest (and often underrated) Central Valley, I’m just a quick road trip away from some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Want to hike up to the Sequoias? Yosemite? Joshua Tree? The California coast? I’m there.  I’ve got small town in my blood and adventure in my soul.

My aim is to create a relaxed environment. Vulnerable. Honest. Free. These are words I live by--as a woman, as a friend, as your photographer. Every time I pick up my camera I dig in and find a story to tell. When I’m with you, we’ll have a blast and you’ll be amazed at how beautiful you look when you laugh.

reach out and let’s be friends! The sooner you do the sooner we can start planning our adventure and create something meaningful together.